We were told disabled people in wheelchairs could not get around the Antarctic. Obviously not true!
Click the following link to read about the adventures of Nancy and Nate while traveling with disabilities in Antartica. |
Astro.uchicago.edu |
This link is sponsored by the CARA Home Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica. It provides many links with as much useful information as you would need if you are considering travel to the Antarctic. It is non-commercial. |
Astro.uchicago.edu/cara/vtour/nz/ |
The CARA site also provides this link for areas of travel to nearby areas, of interest to anyone seeking to extend the trip: |
AntarcticConnection.com |
This link gives general travel information, with suggested agents to get you there; clothing, activities, and offers links for the following:
# Travel - Home
# All Trip Offerings
# Getting There
# Money & Costs
# Visitor Facts
# Where to Go
# When to Go
# What to Bring
# Info Request
# Scenery
# Further Reading |
Have you checked the most important parts of our website? We urge you to go to the Chapter on Essential Plans. Then, whether they apply to you or not, read the Chapters Airlines, Cruises, Hotels, Taxis, Tours. Finally, be sure you read the Chapter Items to Take. The information in these chapters will make all the difference in the success of your trip. |
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions, suggestions, comments or just some friend words by clicking on our contact form |